About Goal of the Week

I love to make New Year's resolutions, so much so that when I find myself feeling dull and a tad down in the dumps, I create small goals for myself once a week and do my best to accomplish them.  The idea is for it to be fun while making myself a better and more interesting person. Rather than making one big goal once a year, I have a smaller goal once a week. For example, I found myself no longer making the time to read books (other than children's books to my kids), so a few weeks ago my goal was to read a book for twenty minutes per day. I did that for a week, and finally finished a book I was in the process of reading for months. 
I thought it would be more fun and interesting to share my goals and progress with others, while inviting you all to make your own goals which we can share here. With that said, every Monday I will post what my goal for the week is and talk a little bit about it. At the end of the week, I will let you know how I did. I hope you will come visit the site every week, any day of the week and tell us what your goal is. We can chat about it and you can tell us how you did at the end of the week. I think this will be a fun discussion forum and a great way to share ideas with everyone. If you don't have time every week, set monthly goals for yourself instead. It doesn't matter how often you set the goals; what matters is you are doing something to improve yourself, even its only a few times a year. And what I love about this idea, is you can either keep up your goal for all eternity while creating new goals, or scrap it after the week. It doesn't matter. The way I look at it, I've done more than I would have had I not set out to do this, so I never feel under pressure or that I am failing.
Here are some ideas. I've either made some of these goals myself, or plan to use them in the future:
  • Write anything every day
  • Learn something about another country each day of the week
  • Cook a new cuisine (My husband and I ended up doing sushi which has become a weekend tradition for us now)
  • Be more patient (its not as fun but I have two kids so I often have to reinstate this one)
  • Create something...other than dinner ;) I plan to crochet or sew something small
  • Take a nice picture and frame it
  • Sketch something (I am terrible at drawing but I've always wanted to work on this skill)
  • Wake up an hour before my kids to enjoy some alone time (Its the only way I can accomplish most of my goals)
  • Venture into NYC two times during the month
  • Eat two pieces of fruit every day
Some tips:
  • Make the goals about yourself. This is especially challenging if you have kids since we are always trying to make their lives better while neglecting ourselves. This is not a requirement, though. I sometimes like setting a goal that makes me a better parent. Any goal the makes you happy is a good goal!
  • You can have a big goal and every week choose a smaller goal to help accomplish the larger goal. For example, if you want to lose 20lbs, one week your goal may be to stop drinking soda and the next week your goal may be to walk for 30 minutes every day. 
  • Keep a list of goal ideas
  • Don't spend too much time thinking about what you want your goal to be. Just do what comes to mind. This way you don't fall into a trap where all you do is think about goals but never get around to accomplishing them
  • Have fun. If it feels like a chore then try different kinds of goals
  • Feel free to message me if you have any questions or need some help/ideas
I can't wait to hear about your goals and ideas. Stay tuned for my first goal post.
- Jessie B.

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