Tuesday, April 30, 2013

This Week’s Goal: Be More Direct

I wouldn’t say I am the type of person who tells people what they want to hear. If a friend or family member asks me for my opinion, I will be honest with them. Too often however, I choose to keep my mouth shut and politely nod even when someone is saying something I don’t fully agree with. It’s a way of simplifying life and relationships. While I don’t want to be confrontational or be overly opinionated, this week’s goal is to do a little less of that, specifically with closer friends, and be more direct about what I think or how I feel.

How would you describe your personality in situations where you don’t agree with someone?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This Week's Goal: Go for a Hike Without the Kids

Before my kids were born, my husband and I did a lot of hiking. We still do hike a lot. We probably go once a week, but we are confined to flat hikes because we have to carry the baby on our back, and my four year old daughter isn't ready for a steep hike yet. I am really in the mood for a more challenging hike, so this week's goal is to do a hike without the kids. Just me and my hubby! I am hoping we can make the time to head upstate NY into the mountains, but I am not sure we will have the time for that journey this weekend. Even still, there are steeper and longer hikes here on Long Island. 

What is your favorite walking/hiking spot?

What is your goal for the week?

Monday, April 15, 2013

This Week's Goal: Get Organized!

Last week we made the decision to move. We've outgrown our nice, little house in Oyster Bay and are moving to a bigger house the next town over in the same school district. Our move-in date is one month from today! With that said, I have a lot of organizing and packing to do. My goal this week is to organize something everyday, whether it be a draw, cabinet or a closet. I figure if I do a little something everyday, it will make the move a little less horrible.

Wish me luck!

Spring is such an inspirational time of the year...what is your goal of the week? 

Monday, April 8, 2013

This Week's Goal: Read or Watch the News Everyday

I can't believe that this is my goal because before my son was born in June, I was such a news junkie. I read all the world news headlines and knew everything that was going on all around the world. Child number two came along and I found myself with zero extra time on my hands. Well, I am tired of being out of the loop with the news, so this week's goal is to read or watch the news everyday. I am hoping that I take this goal beyond this week and make reading the news a part of my everyday life again. 

What is your favorite news source?

I am looking forward to hearing everyone else's goals for this week. 

This Week's Goal: Plant Seeds In Pots and Make Homemade Natural Cleaner

Last weeks goal was a bust. We never ended up going to the museum or going anywhere for the matter because the kids and I are sick. We are still sick so this week I am doing two light goals: to plant some seeds in a pot and to make my own homemade natural cleaning spray.

Weeks ago, my husband and daughter went on an outing to Home Depot, and while they were there they bought some chive seeds to plant indoors. The pack of seeds have been sitting on my windowsill since. This week my goal is to plant those seeds in a pot, and then the pot can sit on the windowsill rather than the packet. I just need to go out and buy some potting soil...that is what has been holding this whole thing up. 

My second goal is to make my own homemade all-natural cleaner. I don't consider myself an "all-natural" person, but recently I was wiping down the kitchen with my usual cleaning spray, and shortly after the kids and I starting coughing a little. My throat was irritated from the cleaner, and I believe theirs were too. I found a recipe for an all natural cleaning spray which I shared below for anyone who is interested. I am going to make it this week and see how it works and I will let you all know. 

I am confident that even being sick with this horrible ick I can accomplish these goals. I just may need my husband to pick up the potting soil for me. What is your goal for the week? 

Recipe for all-natural cleaning spray found at http://ecocrazymom.com/eco-home-homemade-cleaning-products/:

5-10 drops of Tea Tree Oil
5-10 drops of essential lavender oil
5-10 drops of essential lemon oil

Update: I made the homemade natural cleaner but did not plant the chive seeds. I did buy the potting mix for the seeds and the weather will be nice this week, so I hope to complete that soon. The homemade cleaner came out nice. I've been using it to wipe down the highchair, table and any other surfaces the kids come into contact with a lot. I recommend it.