Tuesday, March 26, 2013

This Week's Goal: Go to a Museum

This week is Spring Break for my daughter. I want to take the extra time I have with her and do a few special things, but one of my ideas was to take her to a museum. A year ago my husband and I took her to a small, local art museum. She was only three years old at the time, but she really enjoyed looking at the art work. Her attention span was short, but she was well behaved and enjoyed the trip. 

I was thinking of taking her back to that same museum, but since we live in an old town on Long Island, there are many historical places to take her to as well, so I may consider that. My library (and probably yours) has a variety of free passes to local museums, so even if the trip is a bust, I didn't waste any money. We've tried so many new museums this way. I highly recommend checking out your local library to see if they offer free passes.

What is your goal for the week? I will check back and let you know how I did, and maybe post a few pictures from our trip. Please reply with any museum trip ideas you may have for me too! 

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This Week's Goal: Write a Haiku Everyday

Recently I've been interested in writing Haiku. I don't have a lot of free time to write, but its short, simple form usually allows me to sit for a reasonable amount of time and finish a poem, which I find very satisfying. I would like to take the time this week to write a haiku poem every day. I even joined a Haiku group on Google Plus where I hope I will be brave enough to post my work. So far I am off to a good start. Here is a haiku I wrote yesterday:

Piercing the brown ground
sharp, green leaves! A false fragrance
drifts by like a ghost.

What is your goal for this week?