Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This Week's Goal: Work on Game Project

Hello Everyone. I hope you all had a nice week. I apologize for posting late. My daughter and husband were off for MLK day yesterday and I didn't have time to log on.

My goal last week was to finish the book I am reading titled "Life After Life". I didn't achieve this goal. :( My son was taking short naps last week so I didn't have much time to read. I am still happy with the progress I made, though. Had I not set this goal I wouldn't have read as much as I did.

Onto a new week and a new goal! This week's goal is to devote as much time as I can to a project my husband and I are working on. We are working on a kid’s game for smartphones. I am hoping to spend time working on this during my son’s naps and after the kids go to bed. Once its up and running I will let you know!

I hope you all have a nice week. We are starting out our week here in NY with lots of snow! I am thinking tomorrow will be a snow day, which will be nice.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Goal of the Week: Finish Reading Book

Happy Monday, everyone. I hope you all had a positive week. 

Last week's goal was to drink more water and I did pretty good with this one. I didn't exactly measure the amount of water I drank, but I know it was plenty and enough for me. I made sure to pause at least every hour and drink an entire glass of water, rather than taking tiny sips through out the day. Towards the end of this week, I treated myself to this nice pitcher:

So now I fill that up at the beginning of the day and I try to finish it by the end of the day. So far so good!

This week's goal is to finish the book I am reading. I am halfway through "Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson and have been really enjoying it. I want to make extra time in my schedule this week to finish it up. My husband just finished reading it and I am looking forward to discussing it with him. 

So what is your goal for the week, everyone? Message me if you have any questions or need any help with your goals.

Have a great week!

Monday, January 6, 2014

This Week's Goal: Drink More Water

Hello, everyone. I hope your new year is off to a positive start. This first week of the new year has filled me with some much-needed determination. My mind is swirling with goal ideas and I have to remember to do one or two at a time so that I don't overwhelm myself. 

Last week's goal to wake up earlier earned me a C+ at best. I only managed to accomplish this goal two or three mornings during the week. I think it was poor planning on my part considering my daughter was still on break from school and that vacation feeling was still in the air. I am going to aim to do better this week, which should be easier since school will be back in session.

But this is a new week so here is my new goal: drink more water. Before my daughter was born I was working and I always made sure to drink six to eight glasses of water throughout the day. Now I am home chasing around an eighteen month old boy and a five year old girl and do you think they give this mommy a water break...I don't think so. When I finally do get a chance to exhale, I realize that all I drank was three cups of coffee and a half of glass of water. Lately I have been feeling bloated and tired so I think this is a good time to focus on hydrating myself throughout the day. My goal is to drink sixty ounces of water, which should be about seven glasses of water. My kids will not be happy about the bathroom breaks after all this water, but hey, happy mommy=happy kids. 

So what is your goal for the week? Please share with us either here or on my Google+ community "Goal of the Week". 

Have a great week!