Sunday, February 24, 2013

This Weeks Goal: Less Facebook

This weeks goal of the week is to be less distracted by Facebook. I think its great to have an online forum where I can easily keep up to date with friends and family, as well as share what is happening in my life with them. However, lately I’ve been finding myself logging in whenever I have a short moment of downtime. While I love knowing how everyone is doing, I don’t need to know every hour, and though I only check-in for a one or two minutes, I could use that time better. So this week I am setting out to only log onto Facebook no more than three times a day. I am not going to set what time of day I log on, so long as its not more than three times, even if I get notifications on my phone throughout the day. I will let you know how I do. What is your goal for the week?

Update: I think I over did it with this goal. I completely stopped going on Facebook for the majority of the week. Whenever I was about to use one of my turns to log in, I thought to myself that it is a waste of time and I should check the headlines or write an email. 

This was a very effective goal and I am going to try to incorporate it into my daily life for as long as I can. I found that I was more focused on the things I was doing and I completed more tasks in a day. I guess those minutes on Facebook every day really do add up!

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